Sociology/Social Policy Unit

The Sociology/Social Policy Unit was headed by Karl Ulrich Mayer and Michael Wagner.

Foci of Interest

Life History and Generational Dynamics

  • Social background
  • Migration history
  • Educational history
  • Employment history
  • Partnership history
  • Family life history

Economic Situation and Social Security

  • Assets
  • Sources of income
  • Transfers
  • Income expenditure
  • Consumer sovereignty

Later Phases of the Family Life Cycle

  • Current social structure of the family
  • Social structure of the generations
  • Changes of familial social structure

Social Ressources and Social Participation

  • Social status
  • Housing standards/environment
  • Social care
  • Social and cultural participation

Selected Publications

Bukov, A., Maas, I., & Lampert, T. (2002). Social participation in very old age: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings from BASE. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 57B, P510–P517.

Dykstra, P. A., & Wagner, M. (2007). Pathways to childlessness and late-life outcomes. Journal of Family Issues, 28, 1487–1517.

Maas, I., Borchelt, M., & Mayer, K. U. (2001). Generational experiences of old people in Berlin. In P. B. Baltes, & K. U. Mayer (Eds.), The Berlin Aging Study: Aging from 70 to 100 (pp. 83–110). Cambridge University Press.

Maas, I., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (1999). Military service during wartime: Its effects on men's occupational trajectories and later economic well-being. European Sociological Review, 15, 213–232.

Mayer, K. U., Maas, I., & Wagner, M. (2001). Socioeconomic conditions and social inequalities in old age. In P. B. Baltes & K. U. Mayer (Eds.), The Berlin Aging Study: Aging from 70 to 100 (pp. 227–255). Cambridge University Press.

See also Publications

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