Psychiatry Unit

The Psychiatry Unit was headed by Hanfried Helmchen and first Michael Linden, and later Friedel M. Reischies.

Foci of Interest

Psychiatric Morbidity in Old Age


  • Mental illness
  • Depression syndrome
  • Dementia syndrome
  • Psychopathology (subdiagnostic)


  • Previous illnesses
  • Multi-/comorbidity
  • Other risk factors
  • Consequences

Health/illness behavior

  • Everyday competence
  • Self-efficacy

Selected Publications

Helmchen, H., Baltes, M. M., Geiselmann, B., Kanowski, S., Linden, M., Reischies, F. M., Wagner, M., Wernicke, T., & Wilms, H.-U. (2001). Psychiatric illness in old age. In P. B. Baltes & K. U. Mayer (Eds.), The Berlin Aging Study: Aging from 70 to 100 (pp. 167–196). Cambridge University Press.

Linden, M., Bär, T., & Helmchen, H. (2004). Prevalence and appropriateness of psychotropic drug use in old age: Results from the Berlin Aging Study. International Psychogeriatrics, 16, 461–480.

Rapp, M. A., Gerstorf, D., Helmchen, H., & Smith, J. (2008). Depression predicts mortality in the young old, but not in the oldest old: Results from the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16, 844–852. 10.1097/JGP.0b013e31818254eb

Reischies, F. M., & Geiselmann, B. (1997). Age-related cognitive decline and vision impairment affecting the detection of dementia syndrome in old age. British Journal of Psychiatry, 171, 449–451.

Schaub, R. T., & Linden, M. (2000). Anxiety and anxiety disorders in the old and very old: Results from the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). Comprehensive Psychiatry, 41, 48–54.

See also Publications

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