
Sunday, September 7, 2014


 Arrival of participants at Ringberg Castle

17.00 – 19.00   

 Opening remarks
 Raymond J. Dolan, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
 Ulman Lindenberger, Max Planck Institute for Human Development

 Opening Lecture
 Linking the functional and structural human connectome
 Gustavo Deco, Center for Brain and Cognition, UPF Barcelona



Monday, September 8, 2014

08.00 – 09.00  


09.00 – 10.30 

 Plenary Keynote 1

 Meet the Fokkers: Modelling large-scale brain dynamics

 Michael Breakspear, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

10.30 – 11.00

 Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30

 Plenary Teaching 1

 Advanced dynamic causal modelling

 Klaas Enno Stephan, Translational Neuromodeling Unit, Zurich

12.30 – 14.00


14.00 – 15.30

 Methods Workshop 1

 Within vs. between person differences in behaviour
 Manuel Völkle, Max Planck Institute for Human Development

15.30 – 16.00

 Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.30

 Methods Workshop 2

 Hierarchical modelling of learning
 Quentin Huys, Translational Neuromodeling Unit, Zurich
 Christoph Mathys, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging

17.30 – 18.30

 Free time



Tuesday, September 9, 2014

08.00 – 09.00  


09.00 – 10.30 

 Plenary Keynote 2

 Computational neuromodulation

 Peter Dayan, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

10.30 – 11.00

 Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30

 Plenary Teaching 2


 Máté Lengyel, Computational and Biological Learning Lab, Cambridge

12.30 – 14.00


14.00 – 18.30

 Free for consultation, recreation, and preparation of students’ talks



Wednesday, September 10, 2014

08.00 – 09.00  


09.00 – 10.30 

 Plenary Keynote 3

 Dopamine and the motivational control of cognition

 Roshan Cools, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

10.30 – 11.00

 Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30

 Plenary Teaching 3

 Computational brain anatomy

 John Ashburner, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging

12.30 – 14.00


14.00 – 15.30

 Methods Workshop 3

Computational brain anatomy in ageing using longitudinal MRI

 Gabriel Ziegler, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging

15.30 – 16.00

 Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.30

 Methods Workshop 4

 Brain signal variability and dynamics

 Douglas D. Garrett, Max Planck Institute for Human Development

17.30 – 18.30

 Free time



Thursday, September 11, 2014

08.00 – 09.00  


09.00 – 10.30 

 MPUCL Centre Fellow Talk

 Model-based reasoning

 Zeb Kurth-Nelson, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging

10.30 – 11.00

 Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30

 MPUCL Centre Fellow Talk
 A computational and neural model of momentary subjective well-being
 Robb Rutledge, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging

12.30 – 14.00


14.00 – 18.30

 Free for consultation, recreation, and preparation of students’ talks



Friday, September 12, 2014

08.00 – 09.00  


09.00 – 10.30 

 Plenary Keynote 4

 Task representations, why they matter, and how we learn them

 Yael Niv, Neuroscience Institute & Psychology Dept., Princeton

10.30 – 11.00

 Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30

 Plenary Keynote 5
Communication through coherence
Pascal Fries, Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience

12.30 – 14.00


14.00 – 15.00

 Time for fellows to finish their proposals

15.00 – 17.00

 Fellows’ presentations of research proposals

17.00 – 18.30

 Best Research Proposal Award and closing remarks



Saturday, September 13, 2014

08.00 – 09.00     



 Departures from Ringberg Castle
 Estimated arrival time at Munich airport at 11:00am


 Earliest possible departure flights from Munich airport

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